Acting Ensemble

  • Drama/Theatre
CBU Wallace Theater: 8432 Magnolia Ave, Riverside, CA 92504, USA
Sep 13 2021
Dec 06 2021
Acting Ensemble
  1. Mon5:00 - 5:55 pm
  2. Tue 
  3. Wed 
  4. Thu 
  5. Fri 
  6. Sat 
  7. Sun 


Learn the fundamentals of “acting” by doing! Ensemble work, improvisation, short monologues, theatre games, and scenes.


Participants must be 8 years to 11 years old when the program starts.

Program enrollment capacity

Maximum: 20

Registration period

Registration starts on 04/01/2021 and ends on 09/28/2021.

In-person location

CBU Wallace Theater: 8432 Magnolia Ave, Riverside, CA 92504, USA
Registration closed.